Source code for plotannot.functions

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Functions for annotating and formatting ticklabels (using the class PlotInfo)
#@author: Mette Bentsen
#@contact: mette.bentsen (at)
#@license: MIT

import plotannot.code

[docs]def annotate_ticks(ax, axis, labels, expand_axis=0, rel_label_size=1.1, perp_shift=5, rel_tick_size=0.25, resolution=1000, speed=0.1, verbosity=1 ): """ Annotate ticks with a subset of labels, and shift to overlapping labels. Parameters -------------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object holding the plot and labels to annotate. axis : str Name of axis to annotate. Must be one of ["xaxis", "yaxis", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"]. labels : list of str A list of labels to annotate. Must be a list of strings (or values convertible to strings) corresponding to the labels to show in plot. expand_axis : float or tuple, optional Expand the annotation axis by this amount of the total axis width. Can be either float or tuple of floats. Corresponds to the relative size of axes to expand with, e.g. 0.1 extends with 5% of the axis size in both directions (total 10%). A tuple of (0.1,0.2) extends the axis with 10% in the beginning (left or bottom) and 20% (right or top). Default: 0. rel_label_size : float, optional Relative size of labels to use for measuring overlaps. Default: 1.1. perp_shift : float, optional Perpendicular shift of labels. Represents the relative length of ticks of the axis. Default: 5 (5 times the length of ticks). rel_tick_size : float, optional Relative size of the horizontal part of the annotation lines as a fraction of perp_shift. Default: 0.25. resolution : int, optional Resolution for finding overlapping labels. Default: 1000. speed : float, optional The speed with which the labels are moving when removing overlaps. A float value between 0-1. Default: 0.1. verbosity : int, optional The level of logging from the function. An integer between 0 and 3, corresponding to: 0: only errors, 1: minimal, 2: debug, 3: spam debug. Default: 1. """ p = plotannot.code.PlotInfo(ax, verbosity=verbosity) p.check_axis(axis) p.subset_ticklabels(axis, labels) p.extend_axis(axis, expand_axis=expand_axis) p.shift_integer_labels(axis, resolution=resolution, rel_label_size=rel_label_size, speed=speed) p.apply_shift(axis, perp_shift=perp_shift) p.plot_annotation_lines(axis, rel_tick_size=rel_tick_size)
[docs]def format_ticklabels(ax, axis, labels=None, format_ticks=False, verbosity=1, **kwargs): """ Format ticklabels of a given axis using attributes such as color, fontsize, fontweight, etc. Parameters -------------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object holding the plot and labels to annotate. axis : str Name of axis to annotate. Must be one of ["xaxis", "yaxis", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"]. labels : list of str, optional A list of labels to annotate. Must be a list of strings corresponding to the labels to show in plot. If None, all labels are used. Default: None. format_ticks : bool, optional If True, also format the ticklines of the axis. Default: False. verbosity : int, optional The level of logging from the function. An integer between 0 and 3, corresponding to: 0: only errors, 1: minimal, 2: debug, 3: spam debug. Default: 1. kwargs : args, optional Additional keyword arguments containing the attributes to set for labels. Each attribute is used as a function "set\_" + attribute for the label, e.g. "color='red'" will set the color of the label to red using the label-function 'set_color'. """ p = plotannot.code.PlotInfo(ax, verbosity=verbosity) axis = p.format_axis(axis) #Check if kwargs were given if len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError("No attributes given to format labels.") #Apply to axis (can be more than one if axis is "xaxis" or "yaxis") for a in axis: #Get labels for applying functions label_objects = [d["object"] for d in p.label_info[a]] tick_objects = [d["object"] for d in p.tick_info[a]] #Subset to labels if chosen if labels is not None: labels = [str(l) for l in labels] p.check_labels(a, labels) indices = [i for i, o in enumerate(label_objects) if o._text in labels] label_objects = [label_objects[i] for i in indices] tick_objects = [tick_objects[i] for i in indices] #Apply attributes to ticklabels for attribute, value in kwargs.items(): func_name = "set_" + attribute #Format labels for label in label_objects: try: f = getattr(label, func_name) except: raise ValueError("{func_name}") f(value) #Format ticks if format_ticks == True: for tick in tick_objects: if hasattr(tick, func_name): f = getattr(tick, func_name) f(value)